Eagles' Nest Ministries' Needs
Eagles’ Nest Ministries is a faith based, 501c3, donation fed, charitable, non-profit organization with a heart for people coming out of prison, helping them get re-established in the community.
As our ministry is following God’s Plan for expansion, we need caring people, willing to help in this worthy cause. We know the Lord will bless those who, with love, share with those in need. Nobody can out give God!
Our present needs fall into 3 basic categories:
- Monetary Donations
- Specific Items
- Volunteers to donate time to help with various projects
Monetary Donations
- Purchase additional houses to help with the shortage of space for those coming out of prison. (We have had to deny quite a few for lack of space for them)
- Operating Expenses
- Furnishing the houses as they open
Specific Items
Clothes Hygiene Products Bedding Furniture Cleaning Products Non-Perishable Food
(All things people need on a daily basis)
- Internet Searches
- Typing
- Prayer Warriors
- Mentors
- Social Media Work
- Website work
- Pen Pals via e-message or mail
- Plus, many other upcoming projects