Eagles' Nest Ministries
Embracing the incarcerated community through Christ-Centered mentoring
Eagles’ Nest Ministries is a faith based, 501c3, donation fed, charitable, non-profit organization with a heart for people coming out of prison, helping them get re-established in the community.
Purpose of Eagles' Nest Ministries
- No more victims
- Provide a safe environment for men in transition from prison to society. A place that is free from drugs, alcohol, and other addictive behavior.
- Provide a Christian environment that will promote growth in the Christian walk of every man.
- Provide a place to help develop a Biblical World View.
- Provide a place where mentoring from prison will continue so the plans that are made in prison will be implemented on the streets.
- Provide a place where community will develop among the men.
- Provide a place that will help with job awareness, church involvement, character development and learning how to walk as a Christian in the real world.
- Provide an environment for learning and growing in relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and others who profess to know Him.
What We Do
Eagles’ Nest Ministries provides a Christian based, safe haven for recently released, non-repetitive, non-violent sex offenders, providing living accommodations and access to resources, assisting them as they rebuild their lives and become independent, productive citizens. Our mission is to provide Christ-Centered services to improve the lives of these men through spiritual mentoring, life skills training, work-force preparation, and assistance in obtaining meaningful employment.
Why We Do It
Eagles’ Nest Ministries believes that there are no ‘throw away’ or ‘disposable’ people. People matter. Research has shown a clear link between crime and a lack of meaningful support and employment.
Having a legitimate job lessens the chances of re-offending after release from prison. Job training and placement programs show promise in connecting formerly incarcerated men to work – reducing their likelihood of further offending.
Without support, that recidivism rate for ex-sex offenders is approximately 5.5% within 23 years of release. For those who are mentored, have a job, and have decent housing, that rate drops to .02% That’s a 42% better chance that your family, neighbors and friends will not become a victim of a felony crime.
How We Do It
- Spiritual Mentoring
- Life Skills Training and Mentoring
- Financial Training
- Follow-up Job Counseling
Development of Workforce Skills
- The Resident Application Process
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